
Dianella latissima Waima Range, Northland.

Attractive flax-like plant with more broad leaves than D.nigra.

Libertia grandiflora  NZ Iris-3

Libertia grandiflora NZ Iris- found lowland and forests in North Island and Nelson area of South Island.

Tufted plant with narrow flax-like leaves. Delicate white flowers followed by large berries.


Rhopalostylis 'Chathams' Chatham Island Nikau

The Chatham Island palm has broader fronds and is much more robust than the mainland nikau. Also will tolerate more exposed conditions. Please enquire re availability


Rhopalostylis baueri var cheesemanii Kermadec nikau

The Kermadec nikau has longer fronds, larger flower heads and darker seeds than the mainland nikau.


Rhopalostylis sapida Great Barrier Island

The Great Barrier Island nikau forms a more robust palm than the mainland nikau, tolerating more exposed conditions.